Deepening linkages between DoD and the commercial sector through dialogue, focusing on use cases and needs across critical technology areas.

DIU Summit: Deploying & Scaling Autonomy for Strategic Impact


***UPDATE February 9, 2023: Registration is now closed. Please contact if you have questions or concerns. Details for virtual attendance will be sent closer to the conference date.***

On February 13, 2024, the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) will host a summit in Mountain View, CA. The purpose of the event is to deepen the linkages between DIU, the commercial sector, and other DoD entities through dialogue on use cases and needs across key technology areas underpinning autonomous systems and other priorities of interest to INDOPACOM with implications for the force worldwide. The summit aims to  produce insights and deepen relationships that DIU/DoD can use to shape thinking on efforts to close capability gaps. The Summit will also illuminate for commercial participants the progress of key initiatives (such as Replicator) and provide insight into areas of focus.

Speakers and presenters will include leaders from INDOPACOM, DIU, the Replicator initiative, the Joint Mission Accelerator Directorate (JMAD), and other DoD entities. 

Participants will have the opportunity to hear from key stakeholders and engage in substantive dialogues through panel sessions, topic-focused breakouts/workshops, and informal networking opportunities.


  • DoD Senior Leader Fireside Chat  

  • Commercial Tech for Strategic Effect in DIU 3.0 with Doug Beck, DIU Director

  • INDOPACOM Priorities and the Role of Autonomy

  • Replicator: Accelerating Production and Fielding of Key Capabilities

  • Breakouts focused on: 


  • When: February 13, 2024 | 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM PST

  • Where: DIU Headquarters, 230 R T Jones Road Mountain View, CA 94043

Due to the venue's capacity, in-person RSVPs will be reviewed to ensure adequate space for all attendees. Registration on the day of the event will not be allowed. In order to be inclusive and represent a range of perspectives, please limit requests for in-person invitations to one (1) participant per company/organization. DIU will provide virtual attendance information to registered participants only, closer to the event date.

Virtual attendance will be available only for plenary sessions. Participation in breakout sessions/workshops will be limited to in-person attendees.

Participants are advised that the U.S. Government will not pay for any information or administrative costs incurred in response to participation in the DIU Summit; all costs incurred or associated with this event will solely be at the participant’s expense. At the event, the Government will not discuss specific requirements or contracting details for any active procurements. It is the responsibility of the interested parties to monitor the DIU website for additional information pertaining to this event.

Summit FAQs

Please email

There is a large parking lot directly in front of the building; all open spaces are available to conference guests. To limit the impact on non-conference guests working in the building, we encourage you to carpool or leverage your rideshare service of choice if that is an option.

Foreign nationals are not restricted from attending this summit. A valid form of identification (passport) is required upon arrival to enter the government building in which the conference will be held.

The DIU office is located off of U.S. Hwy. 101 in Mountain View, CA. The nearest hotel is the The Ameswell Hotel, less than 5 minutes away. Hotel options in neighboring Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, and Palo Alto are also convenient to the conference location.