Applications open now through August 30, 2024

Updated April 2024

Immersive Commercial Acquisition Program (ICAP)

Join Our Competitive Program

A competitive program for acquisition professionals who are willing and excited to be the bridge between the Department of Defense and the commercial tech world.

Access to cutting-edge, commercial technology is vital for our national security. To ensure Service members have timely access to commercial technology, the Department of Defense (DoD) is promoting broader use of agile acquisition methods by training a corps of acquisition professionals on the Defense Innovation Unit’s (DIU’s) acquisition process. 

Recognizing the need to keep pace with commercial product cycles and adopt commercial procurement best practices, the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) and DIU have joined forces to develop and implement the Immersive Commercial Acquisition Program (ICAP). Under ICAP, DoD acquisition personnel will work on Service-aligned projects, alongside a DIU contracting officer and project team as well as commercial solution providers on a variety of projects. ICAP participants will also take virtual classes on Other Transaction (OT) authorities through DAU’s Credentials Program.


The primary objectives of the ICAP program include:

  1. Educate and provide top DoD contracting officers with experience on how to effectively acquire innovative commercial technologies from non-traditional defense contractors.

  2. Provide experience and insight into how the commercial market operates and what drives a commercial organization to do business with the government/DoD.

  3. Empower change agents and arm contracting officers with the relevant tools and knowledge on how to craft acquisition, contracting, and negotiation strategies that can effectively incorporate commercial technology and non-traditional vendors into the DoD acquisition ecosystem.

  4. Provide organizations with trained contracting officers able to train others, fluent in the innovation ecosystem and networked with other service components contracting officers.

Acquisition professionals, especially those in contracting, work in an increasingly complex environment. Creating opportunities like this where they can develop specialized skills and gain experience that they take back and share with others is one of the great strengths of this program."

-Jim Woolsey, Former President, Defense Acquisition University

As an ICAP Fellow, You Will Have Opportunities To Be a Thought Leader

Our fellows inspire and engage their peers across the acquisition community:


Present before the broader acquisition community.


Write white papers and/or articles.

We know that the private sector has options on who they work with. It is in DoD’s interest to be an attractive business partner, otherwise we run the risk of losing out on commercially-developed mission-critical and even life-saving technology. DIU’s CSO process and our use of the OT authority provides flexibility and allows us to work at commercial speeds. Our aim with the ICAP program is to help other acquisition professionals learn to ‘speak commercial’ and share this knowledge with their peers so that DoD can better acquire innovative commercial technologies."

-Cherissa Tamayori, Director, DIU Acquisition Directorate

FY 2024 Application Process and Materials


DIU’s Immersive Commercial Acquisition Program (ICAP) is seeking highly qualified and motivated mid to senior level contracting officers with proven technical contracting expertise coupled with an innovative mindset. Applicants must be a permanent government civilian (GS-13/14 or NH-03/04 1102 series) or active component military contracting officer (O-4/O-5).  DIU will start accepting applications on April 29, 2024 until Friday, August 30.  Each applicant must provide a resume, supervisor recommendation letter, and a letter of intent outlining why they are interested in the program.  DIU will competitively select up to six (6) ICAP fellows for a 12 month rotation over a virtual collaboration/telework environment. DIU will notify selected candidates in September and begin the program in October 2024. ICAP Fellows will produce a capstone project that will serve as a training plan for their home organization based on experiences and lessons learned in the program.

Application Materials

Applicants will need to submit the following:

  1. Resume

  2. Letter of intent

  3. Supervisor letter of recommendation


Submit your application here.


Applications will be open from April 29, 2024 through August 30, 2024 at 23:59:59 U.S. Eastern Time


Who should consider applying? What are your candidate criteria?

Candidates must be a permanent government civilian (GS-13/14 or NH-03/04 1102 series) or active component military contracting officer (Major/Lieutenant Colonel). 

How long is the program?

The program will be 12 months long over a virtual collaboration/telework environment.

How is this program “immersive”?

ICAP fellows will experience a combination of working service aligned DIU Projects, curated interactions with commercial/non-traditional companies, and targeted training leveraging relevant OT virtual classroom training combined with on the job experience for real-time knowledge application.  ICAP fellows will experience a combination of working Service-aligned DIU Projects, curated interactions with commercial/non-traditional companies, and targeted training leveraging relevant OT virtual classroom training combined with on the job experience for real-time knowledge application. Note: Your home organization would continue to pay your salary and provide you administrative support. All other costs (i.e., training, travel, equipment, etc.) related to the fellowship would be funded by DIU. This program is a full-time fellowship that replaces your current workload. If selected your organization will agree to release you to DIU for 12 months.

How do you select participants?

DIU will select ICAP fellows based on their resume, supervisor recommendation, and interview from a panel of DIU acquisition leaders.

Why is DIU leading this?

DIU is a fast-moving DoD organization that contracts with commercial companies to solve national security problems. DIU is the only DoD organization focused exclusively on fielding and scaling cutting edge commercial technology across the U.S. military at commercial speeds.  We aim to move from problem identification to prototype contract award in 60–90 days whereas the traditional DoD contracting process often takes more than 18 months. We have solidified DIU’s Commercial Solutions Opening process and want to propagate the technical information and DIU culture across the DoD.

Will I get a certificate at the end? Can I use this for continuous learning points (CLPs)? 

Fellows successfully completing ICAP will receive a certificate from DIU and the experiential education and training can be applied towards continuous learning points (CLPs).  Please refer to Policy and Guidance ( for further details.

I recently applied to the ICAP program. When will I know if I have been accepted? And how will I find out?

All applicants will be notified in September 2024  if they have been selected for the program.

Is this opportunity designed ONLY for Contracting Offers? Or Contract Specialists can apply as well?

The program is targeted toward contracting officers, but contract specialists can apply.